I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.
lk 203
I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.
lk 203
…the first $1,26 is the hardest…
lk 185
Tuleb tõde tunnistada: just kommunikatsioonialased oskused on eduka karjääri võti ning loevad rohkem kui taibukus, teadmised ja kogemused.
lk 66
Tänapäeval on või vähemalt peaks olema igaühele teada, et tööandja ostab teie aega ja üürib teie mõistust, kuid ei mõistus ega teie ise pole tema omand.
lk 45
Õppisin, kui oluline on teha rohkem, kui minult oodatakse, ja et ärialal võib rohkesti häid ideid olla, kuid tegelikult loeb ikkagi teostus.
lk 21
After all, the best thing about a location-independent business is possibility.
lk 70
… many aspiring entrepreneurs focus much more on the “anywhere” part than they do the “work” part.
lk 70
Spend only on things that have a direct relationship to sales.
lk 166
What is the 140-character (or less) mission statement of your business idea?
lk 105
Therefore, the question you need to ask is …. how can I get my first sale?
lk 99
Our story is about people who start their own microbusinesses without investments, without employees, and often without much of an idea what they’re doing. There almost never have a formal business plan, and they often don’t have a plan all besides “Try this out and see what happens”.
lk 12
Microbusiness—businesses typically run by only one person—have been around since the beginning of commerce.
lk 7
Welcome to strange new world of micro-entrepreneurship.
lk 6
It’s a microbusiness revolution—a way of earning a good living while crafting a life of independence and purpose.
lk IV
.. kui tähtsad on väikesed ja ka hüppelised sissetulekuvood, et säilitada enesekindlust ja usk nende võimalikkusesse.
lk 34