What can I do today to improve our situation?
lk 301
We would never be surprised when an employee quits and they should never be surprised when their employment is terminated.
lk 298
Pleasure is about stimulating the senses. Happiness is found by being grateful for what I’ve got. Success is getting what I want. Fulfillment is giving what I’ve got.
lk 290
There is a big difference between success and excellence. Success is getting there. Excellence is staying there.
lk 280
Õnn tuleb kogemustest. Õnn tuleb seisundist, mis kätkeb endas koos teistega olemist või selliste asjade tegemist, mis teie elu täiustavad. Õnn sünnib töötamisest ning, jah, raha teenimisest ja voolus olemisest.
lk 167
Paljudel inimeselt puudub täielikult ettekujutus sellest, kui palju takistusi on tulnud ületada selleks, et nad täna oleksid seal, kus nad täna oleksid seal, kus nad on.
lk 147
I think that’s why the smarter and the most successful people I know start out as losers. If you view yourself as a loser; as someone who was cast out by society and has no role in normal society, then you will do your own thing and you’re much more likely to find a winning path. It helps to start out by saying, “I’m never going to be popular. I’m never going to be accepted. I’m already loser. I’m not going to get what all the other kids have. I’ve just go to be happy being me.”
lk 185–186
All choices require a trade–off and sacrifice. You can have almost anything you want…you just can’t have everything you want.
lk 235
Edu võti on see, et tehingut tehes tuleb iga kord ka natuke kaotada.
(Et teine pool tunneks, et võitis ka midagi.)
lk 62
Raha ja edukale inimesele omased tunnused ei tähenda veel ilmtingimata, et sellel inimesel oleks maailmale midagi positiivset pakkuda.
lk 61