All choices require a trade–off and sacrifice. You can have almost anything you want…you just can’t have everything you want.
lk 235
All choices require a trade–off and sacrifice. You can have almost anything you want…you just can’t have everything you want.
lk 235
Edu võti on see, et tehingut tehes tuleb iga kord ka natuke kaotada.
(Et teine pool tunneks, et võitis ka midagi.)
lk 62
If there’s something you want to do later, do it now. There is no “later”.
lk ?
Raha ja edukale inimesele omased tunnused ei tähenda veel ilmtingimata, et sellel inimesel oleks maailmale midagi positiivset pakkuda.
lk 61
Impatience with actions, patience with results.
lk 182
The greatest superpower is the ability to change yourself.
lk 178
You’re going to die on day, and none of this is going to matter. So enjoy yourself. Do something positive. Project some love. Make someone happy. Laugh a little bit. Appreciate the moment. And do your work.
lk 155
Your success will have very little to do with what you do and everything to do with how you do it.
lk 202
Every desire is a chosen unhappiness.
lk 127
Charisma is the ability to project confidence and love at the same time. It’s almost always possible to be honest and positive.
lk 105
Optimizing for passion and product perfection instead of customer needs and demand is a classic business mistake.
lk 38
My great-uncle in China talks about the secret life force. I’ve got a gas. But how to you light it? What’s the match?
lk V
Another thing that helps: I value freedom above everything else.
lk 81
I think the best way to stay away from this constant love of money is not to upgrade your lifestyle as you make money.
lk 81
“Aga mis siis kui?” on kujutluse loomise küsimus, aga “kuidas?” on planeerimise küsimus.
lk 78