Seeing men as the human default is fundamental to the structure of human society.
lk 1
Seeing men as the human default is fundamental to the structure of human society.
lk 1
Väga raske on lõputult ignoreerida probleemi, mille üle kurdad igal hommikul.
lk XIX
Vihje: järgmine õige asi on tilluke, turvaline ja otse sinu nina all. Tee seda.
lk 198
Mida väiksemad on meie sammud, seda suuremad ja vapramad on meie teod.
lk 115
Öeldakse, et edu saavutamiseks tuleb jälgida kahte lihtsat reeglit: 1. Alusta midagi. 2. Lase edasi.
lk 115
Suuri asju—või väikesi asju—saadavad korda need, kes tegutsevad kahtlustest hoolimata.
lk 95
But also recognize that going to school from an early age until we’re twenty-two wired us with a quarter system attention span. Every three months , four months, we expect a two-week break and then a whole new curriculum to learn. Every three months, the alarm goes off: Hey, it’s time for something new. It takes years for that alarm to shut up, to adjust to the pace of adult life.
lk 177
Life is a great opportunity to try out all the things I’m interested in.
lk 177
What’s wrong with being permanently restless?
lk 177
At some point when you’ve tried enough careers and none seems to fit, rather than look for yet another career, you start to think the problem is inside you.
lk 177
The stereotype is that domineering parents push their kids to succeed, killing their children’s love for whatever they’re studying. But the opposite was far more common—young people who were given too much leeway by parents afraid of being overbearing, when their children really, needed help in identifying what was important them.
lk 155
The same goes for figuring out your place in life. It’s not a puzzle that can be figured out on paper. You have to do something, see if it works, and learn from it.
lk 46
In other words, if you don’t like the Question (What do you do?), maybe it’s partly because you don’t like your answer.
lk 24
… and she’s found that true freedom comes from the confidence she can live within her means, whatever those means may be.
lk 18
She warned me that many people use the dream-job-or-nothing goal as a way ensuring their dreams are never challenged by reality— by hoping for too much, they can preserve their dream as a perfect fantasy.
lk 13