Muinasjutud sellest, kuidas elus minema peaks, keeravad elu pekki.
lk 61
Muinasjutud sellest, kuidas elus minema peaks, keeravad elu pekki.
lk 61
It was the Danish economist Ester Boserup who first came up with the plough hypothesis: that societies that had historically used the plough be less gender equal than those that hadn’t.
lk 145
Women have always worked. They have worked unpaid, underpaid, underappreciated, but they have always worked. But the modern workplace does not work for women.
lk 142
But if in Silicon Valley meritocracy is a religion, its God is a white male Harvard dropout.
lk 94
Which raises the question: is women’s unpaid work under valued because we don’t see it—or is it invisible because we don’t value it?
lk 78
A typical female travel pattern involves, for example, dropping children off at school before going to work; taking an elderly relative to the doctor and doing the grocery shopping in the way home. This is called “trip-chaining”, a travel pattern of several small interconnected trips that has been observed in women around the world.
lk 30
… Hertha Ayrton remarked that errors overall are “notoriously hard to kill […] an error that ascribes to man what was actually the work of a woman has more lives than a cat”.
lk 17
… that humans have evolved to be six times more deadly to their own species than the average mammals.
lk 2
Õnn pole midagi, mida saad kinni püüda. See on midagi, mida pead lubama.
lk 212
Ebamugavus ei ürita sind karistada! See proovib sulle vaid näidata, kus oled võimeline enamaks, väärid paremat ja suudad muutuda või oled mõeldud suuremtakes asjadeks, kui sul praegu on. Pea igal puhul annab see sulle lihtsalt teada, et sinu jaoks on kuskil midagi enamat, ja suunab sind seda otsima
lk 211
Pea oma ebamugavustundest lugu, sest see üritab sulle midagi öelda.
lk 211
Kahjuks on õnn tujukas.
lk 196
Emotsioonid on ajutised, käitumismustrid püsivad. Vastutad alati selle eest, kuidas ostusad käituda.
lk 193
Lõpeta mediteerimine, et end rahulikuna tunda; hakka mediteerima, et lihtsalt tunda.
lk 150
Until the 1930s we didn’t really measure the economy with any seriousness. But that changed in the wake of the Great Depression. In order to address the economic meltdown, governments needed to know more precisely what was going on, and in 1934 a statistician called Simon Kutznets produced the United State’s first national accounts. This was the birth of GDPR.
lk 240