Lean In vol 6

Ask a man to explain his success and he will typically credit his own innate qualities and skills. Ask a woman the same question and she will attribute her success to external factors insisting she did well because she “worked really hard,” or “got lucky,” or “had help from others.” Men and women also differ then it comes to explaining failure. When a man fails, he points to factors like “didn’t study enough” or “not interested in the subject matter”. When a woman fails, she is more likely to believe it is due to an inherent lack of ability.

lk 30

Südikus vol 7

Meil kõigil tulevad oma piirid ette, mitte üksnes ande, vaid ka võimaluste poolest. Ent tihedamini, kui me seda arvamegi, on need piirid meie enda seatud. Me proovime, meid saadab ebaedu, ning me järeldame, et oleme oma võimaluste lae saavutanud. Või siis muudame kurssi pärast paari esimese sammu astumist. Mõlemal juhul ei läheme me oma teekonnal nii kaugele, kui võiksime.

lk 309

Seitse lühikest füüsikatundi vol 2

Ma usun, et meie liik ei püsi kaua. Me ei tundu olevat sellisest puust, mis on võimaldanud näiteks kilpkonnal eksisteerida enam-vähem muutumatuna sadu miljoneid aastaid ehk sadu kordi kauem, kui me üldse olemas oleme olnud. Kuulume lühiealisesse liigirühma. Kõik meie sugulased on juba välja surnud. Enamgi veel, me teeme kahju. Meie enda valla päästetud rängad kliima—ja keskkonnamuudatused jätavad meile vähe võimalusi. Planeedi Maa jaoks võivad need osutuda väikeseks, tähtususetuks välgatuseks, kuid ma ei usu, et elaksime need terve nahaga üle, eriti kuna avalik ja poliitiline arvamus eelistab jaanalinnu kombel pea liiva alla peita ja eirata neid ohte, kuhu praegu tormame.

lk 107–108

Composing A Life vol 3

The fine old idea of a path and a commitment turns out to be illusory for many people, not only for geographical and political refugees but for cultural refugees displaced by the discontinuities of custom and economy. Even those who continue to wear the same professional label survive only because they have altered what they do. Being effective as a banker or a restaurateur or a general means that one has relearned one’s craft more than once.

lk 9

Lean In vol 4

(Dr. Peggy McIntosh) explained that many people, but especially women, feel fraudulent when they are praised for their accomplishments. Instead of feeling worthy of recogntion, they feel underserving and guilty, as if a mistake has been made. Despite being high achivers, even experts in their fields, women can’t seem to shake the sense that it is only a matter of time until they are found out for who they really are—imposters with limited skilles or abilities.

lk 28

Composing A Life vol 1

Today, the materials and skills which a life is composed are no longer clear. It is no longer possible to follow the paths of previous generations. This is true for both men and women, but it is especially true fo woman, whose whole lives no longer need be dominated by the rhythms of procreation and the dependencies that these created, but who still must live wiht the discontinuities of female biology and still must balance confliciting demands. Our lives not only take new directions; they are subject to repeated redirection, partly because of the extensions of our years of health and productivity. Just as the design of a building or of a vase must be rethought when the scale is changed, so must the design of lives. Many of the most basic consepts we use to construct a sense of self or the design of a life have changed their meanings: Work. Home. Love. Commitment.

lk 2