Tuleb aru saada, et kaugele mõtlemise oskus ei ole midagi, mis inimestel automaatselt olemas on.
lk 59
Tuleb aru saada, et kaugele mõtlemise oskus ei ole midagi, mis inimestel automaatselt olemas on.
lk 59
As with AI. Robotics proved much more difficult in practice than early engineers assumed. The real world is strange, uneven, unexpected, and unstructured environment, exquisitely sensitive to things like pressure: picking up an egg, an apple, a brick, a child, and a bowl of soup all require extraordinary dexterity, sensitivity, strength, and balance. An environment like a kitchen or workshop is messy, filled with dangerous items, oil slick, and multiple different tools and materials. It’s a robot’s nightmare
lk 94
Kohe kui midagi kirja paned, siis avad ennast tundele ja ohule, et asi ebaõnnestub.
lk 56
The capability has given rise to the new field of synthetic biology—the ability to read, edit, and now write the code of life.
lk 83
Kui mõnikord on tunne, et pole midagi raporteerida, siis see annabki märku, et fookus on kuskile ära ujunud. Kas saad täpselt aru, miks asjad ei liigu ja konkreetset tulemust pole?
lk 45
Genetic engineering sounds modern, but it’s actually one of humankind’s oldest technologies [e. g. selective breeding].
lk 80
Rahaga on mõnes mõttes lihtne: maailmas on seda väga palju, küsimus on selles, kuidas see sinuni jõuab.
lk 35
The coming wave of technology is built primarily on two general-purpose technologies capable of operating at the grandest and most granular levels alike: artificial intelligence and synthetic biology.
lk 55
For most of the history, the challenge if technology lay in creating and unleashing its power. That has now flipped: the challenge of technology today is about containing its unleashed power, ensuring, it continues to serve us and our planet.
lk 48
A more tectonic process, where it’s a question of not if these powers are harnessed but them, in what form, and by whom.
lk 47
Teiseks, proovi häälestada ennast järgneva mõttega—kõik, mida sa teha tahad, õnnestub
lk 21
Kui sa planeerimiseks aega ei võta, võid ühel hetkel avastada, et mõtled ainult sellele, et mida vaja õhtuks süüa teha või mis kellaks äratus seada …
lk 18
Inventions cannot be uninvented or blocked indefinitely, knowledge unlearned or stopped from spreading.
lk 41