Product sales are where the money is …..
lk 29
Product sales are where the money is …..
lk 29
Our financial industry is geared toward product sales, not toward dispensing well-rounded financial planning advice.
lk 28
Selgus saabub tegutsedes, mitte mõeldes.
lk 166
Good financial planning is nothing more than common sense. The old KISS philosophy at its best. Keep It Simple ….
lk 28
Märgi üles kõik, mida sa tavaliselt teed, ilma ilustamise või hinnanguta. Sinu egol võib olla kiusatus numbreid moondada või oma käitumist kohandada, et ennast paberil paremini näidata.
lk 100
Everybody’s terrible at that [budgeting]. Very few people have become financially successful through budgeting, and the ones who aren’t much fun at parties.
lk 27
Kõik, mis on väärt tegemist, on raske. Vaevanõudvalt raske.
lk 185
We couldn’t teach you what we didn’t know, and your grandparents couldn’t teach us what they didn’t know. I don’t think it’s our fault as family. I suspect most people have the same problem, and I blame it partly on our educational system.
lk 14
No one needs to be victim of their own biography.
George Kelly
lk ?
I say that your life was taking shape long before you were born because you carry within you the biological memories of all your forebears.
lk 21
…clients who make long list of “to-do” behaviors have more difficult time changing than those who focus on a few “must-stop” behaviors.
lk 57
Muidugi tuleb olla avatud mõtlemisega, aga mitte nii avatud, et aju välja pudeneks.
Richard Dawkins, Oxfordi bioloogiaprofessor
lk 223
Kuidas aru saada, et teil on hamster?
Teil olete apaatne ega taha midagi teha. Teil pole energiat ja kognitiivsed ressursid on otsas. Te ei usu endasse ja näete kõike halvas valguses. Te kahtlete isegi neis asjus, millesse veel hiljaaegu uskusite. Te näete oma olukorda lootusetuna ja kaldute palju edasi lükkama. Mõnikord tunnete kiusatust hamstrile järele anda ja ennast haletseda.
lk 179–180
And make no mistake, resistance is a demon. And It keeps you from having the life you want and imagine for yourself— at work, with your family, with friends, in regard to your health. That’s why learning to recognize and work through your own resistance is one of the greatest favors you can do yourself.
lk 29
Kangelased suudavad olla teistsugused, sest nad on end selle tundega harjutanud.
(Te harjute olema teistsugune. Ebameeldiv sotsiaalne surve kaob tasapisi.)
lk 160