Learning deeply means learning slowly.
lk 97
Aeg maha astuda sotsiaalmeedia karusellilt, mis pöörleb üha kiiremini ja kiiremini, kuid ei jõua kunagi kuskile.
lk 20
The parents with creative children made their opinions known after their kids did something they didn’t like, the just did not proscribe it beforehand.
lk 77
Enda ootuste määramine ja juhtimine määratleb edu ning tee tasakaalu ja õnne poole.
lk 112
While improvising, musicians do pretty much the opposite of consciously identifying errors and and stopping to correct them.
lk 77
… that everyone needs habits of mind that allow them to dance across disciplines.
lk 49
Parimaid ideid ei võeta kohe omaks. Isegi lisanditega jäätisel ja valgusfooril kulus tuntuks saamiseks aastaid.
lk 12
Sometimes the best advice is none at all. If you know what you need to do, the next step is simply to do it. Stop waiting. Start taking actions.
lk 247
All the bad days have two things in common: you know the right thing to do, but you let somebody talk you out of doing it.
lk 233
Tuleb tõde tunnistada: just kommunikatsioonialased oskused on eduka karjääri võti ning loevad rohkem kui taibukus, teadmised ja kogemused.
lk 66
Tänapäeval on või vähemalt peaks olema igaühele teada, et tööandja ostab teie aega ja üürib teie mõistust, kuid ei mõistus ega teie ise pole tema omand.
lk 45
The successful adapters were excellent at taking knowledge from one pursuit and applying it creatively to another, and at cognitive entrenchment. … They drew outside experiences and analogies to interrupt their inclination toward a previous solution that may no longer work. Their skill was in avoiding the same old patterns. In the wicked world, with ill-defined challenges and few rigid rules, range can be life hack.
lk 34
Edu on suhteline, nagu ka ebaõnn, ja kui olete läbinud tagasihoidlike professionaalsete saavutuste etapi (ebaõnn on tegelikult väga teatraalne ja üldiselt kohatu väljend), leidub alati arengupotentsiaali.
lk 30