Accountability is enabled by deep understanding. Ownership gives control.
lk 259
Kui sa oled harjunud, et sul on otsustusvabadus olemas, siis unustad ära, kui suur väärtus sellel on.
lk 291
Paljud ei taju, et neil on puhtalt raha olemasolu tõttu tagatud otsustusvabadus.
lk 290
One of the issues with LLMs is that they still suffer from the hallucination problem, whereby they often confidently claim widely wrong information as accurate. This is doubly dangerous given they often are right, to an excerpt level. As a user, it’s all too easy to be lulled into a false sense of security and assume anything coming out of the system is true.
lk 243
The central problem for humanity in the twenty-first century is how we can nurture sufficient legitimate political power and wisdom, adequate technical mastery, and robust norms to constrain technologies to ensure they continue to do far more good than harm. How in other words, we can contain the seemingly uncontainable.
lk 228
Exponential change is coming. It is inevitable. The fact needs to be addressed.
lk 255
Mida edukam sa oled, mis iganes valdkonnas, seda rohkem negatiivset tagasisidet tuleb.
lk 202
That’s part of the problem; we don’t know what failure models are being introduced and how deep they could extend.
lk 211
Asjad, millele sa ütled “ei”, peaksid olema sellised, mille puhul tunned, et need on allpool sinu oskuste, teadmiste või rahaliste ootuste taset.
lk 195