…, et tunnihind, mda sa lisatuluallika pealt teenid, võiks olla vähemalt sama—kui ajakulu mõttes mitte suurem—kui see, mida sa oma palgatööl teenid, sest muidu on see ebamõistlik.
lk 121
…, et tunnihind, mda sa lisatuluallika pealt teenid, võiks olla vähemalt sama—kui ajakulu mõttes mitte suurem—kui see, mida sa oma palgatööl teenid, sest muidu on see ebamõistlik.
lk 121
Cue an “Infocalypse” the point at which society can no longer manage a torrent of sketchy material, where information ecosystem grounding knowledge, trust and social coherension, the glue holding society together, falls apart.
lk 172–173
Mida kõrgema tunnihinnaga asja sa teed, seda rohkem pead vaeva nägema, et turg tekiks. Mida lihtsamat asja teed, seda rohkem on tegemist õnnega, kus esimesed tööotsad ette satuvad.
lk 115
These [deep]fakes will be so good our rational minds will find it hard to accept they aren’t real.
lk 170
How will military and paramilitary planners react when no humans need to be sent into combat?
lk 158
That so many people profoundly feel society is failing is itself a problem: distrust breed negativity and apathy. People decline to vote.
lk 153
… much of what we see around us is powered by human intelligence in direct pursuit of monetary gain.
lk 133
It is a point so obvious it doesn’t often get mentioned: there is no central authority controlling what technologies get developed, who does it, and for what purpose; technology is an orchestra with no conductor. Yet this single fact could end up being the most significant of the twenty -first century.
lk 127
Annan karjäärinõu alati mõttega, et iga inimene võiks sihtida ennast top 10 % sissetuleku saajate hulka. Jah, ma tean, et matemaatiliselt sinna kõik ei saa, aga pole mõtet alustada madalamate sihtidega, sest siis on tulemus veel vähem muljetavaldavam
lk 71
Technological rivalry is a geopolitical reality.
lk 119
Hea eesmärk saab sõnastatud ühe lausega.
lk 65
Technology is pushed on by all too rudimental and fundamentally human drivers. From curiosity to crises, fortune to fear, at its heart technology emerges to fill human needs. If people have powerful reasons to build and use it, it will get built and used.
lk 119
Asjade ära tegemisel ei ole vanusepiiri.
lk 63
There is no obvious reason why a single operator, with enough wherewithal, could not control a swarm of thousand of drones.
lk 106
… scientists have been working on a method known as inertial confinement, which involves compressing pellets of hydrogen-rich material with lasers and heating them to 100 million degrees to create a fleeting fusion reaction.
lk 100