Õpid, et üksteisega äri ajamiseks tuleb suhelda. Et tuleb kasuks teineteisele silma vaadata (ja seejuures on raskem teistele pada ajada kui internetis).
lk 43
Õpid, et üksteisega äri ajamiseks tuleb suhelda. Et tuleb kasuks teineteisele silma vaadata (ja seejuures on raskem teistele pada ajada kui internetis).
lk 43
Ettevõte enda juhist ei suuda üle hüpata.
Kaks asja, mida sa ei saa ettevõtluses ära delegeerida, on strateegia ja otsustamine.
Mitte muutuv ettevõte käib lihtsalt maha.
Head asja pole piinlik müüa.
The greater the predictibility and sustainability, the greater the enterprise value and, thus, the more attractive is to buyer.
lk 217
Optimizing for passion and product perfection instead of customer needs and demand is a classic business mistake.
lk 38
Marketing is about getting people to notice what you do. Execution is about doing something people will notice.
lk 161
Another way of putting this is that brands that are easier to buy for more people get brought more. Which reminds me that reasons not to buy can therefore be much more important (to sales) than reasons to buy.
lk 211
As discussed, there are two main ways that advertising works: persuasion (changing opinions) and salience (refreshing and building memories).
lk 150
Memory structures that relate to a brand include what the brand does, what it looks like, where it is available, when and where it is consumed, by who and with whom.
lk 146
Advertising works by reaching and nudging. This mostly happens without us noticing: occasionally an ad produces the reaction “I should buy that” but even this inteton only weakly nudges our buying propensities. Because we often forget or are deflected from our intentions.
lk 144
Companies tend to be good at stealing sales from themselves because their brands go through the same sales force, the same distributors, etc.
lk 86