Väga raske on lõputult ignoreerida probleemi, mille üle kurdad igal hommikul.
lk XIX
Väga raske on lõputult ignoreerida probleemi, mille üle kurdad igal hommikul.
lk XIX
Vihje: järgmine õige asi on tilluke, turvaline ja otse sinu nina all. Tee seda.
lk 198
Mida väiksemad on meie sammud, seda suuremad ja vapramad on meie teod.
lk 115
Öeldakse, et edu saavutamiseks tuleb jälgida kahte lihtsat reeglit: 1. Alusta midagi. 2. Lase edasi.
lk 115
In other words, if you don’t like the Question (What do you do?), maybe it’s partly because you don’t like your answer.
lk 24
She warned me that many people use the dream-job-or-nothing goal as a way ensuring their dreams are never challenged by reality— by hoping for too much, they can preserve their dream as a perfect fantasy.
lk 13
It’s about people who’ve dared to be honest with themselves.
(Answer to the question in the title about life or career.)
The hardest thing is not doing what you want— it’s knowing what you want.
lk 187
… because nothing can change until the unsaid is spoken.
lk 246
Paljudel inimeselt puudub täielikult ettekujutus sellest, kui palju takistusi on tulnud ületada selleks, et nad täna oleksid seal, kus nad täna oleksid seal, kus nad on.
lk 147
I think that’s why the smarter and the most successful people I know start out as losers. If you view yourself as a loser; as someone who was cast out by society and has no role in normal society, then you will do your own thing and you’re much more likely to find a winning path. It helps to start out by saying, “I’m never going to be popular. I’m never going to be accepted. I’m already loser. I’m not going to get what all the other kids have. I’ve just go to be happy being me.”
lk 185–186
All choices require a trade–off and sacrifice. You can have almost anything you want…you just can’t have everything you want.
lk 235
The greatest superpower is the ability to change yourself.
lk 178
Your success will have very little to do with what you do and everything to do with how you do it.
lk 202
Every desire is a chosen unhappiness.
lk 127