Dissatisfaction or discomfort with where we are is a primary change agent in our lives.
lk 95
Dissatisfaction or discomfort with where we are is a primary change agent in our lives.
lk 95
Klassikaline strateegia selle saavutamiseks on kuulutada nii rabavaid ja pöördelisi ideid, et kõik, mis pole sama äärmuslik, tundub korraga mõistlik. Teisisõnu, et muuta äärmuslik mõistlikuks, peate pelgalt nihutama äärmuslikkuse piire.
lk 239
Another way of putting this is that brands that are easier to buy for more people get brought more. Which reminds me that reasons not to buy can therefore be much more important (to sales) than reasons to buy.
lk 211
Understand ethical wealth creating is possible. If you secretly despise wealth, it will elude you.
lk 31
The problem is that most of us hate structure, which is one of the reasons we started our business in the first place. We want the “freedom” to do what we want, when we want. But freedom—just as entrepreneurial success—has a price: discipline and structure.
lk 86
Võib kergesti kuluda terve põlvkond, pakkus ta [Fr. Hayek], enne kui uued mõtted valdavaks saavad. Just sel põhjusel vajame mõtlejaid, kes pole mitte üksnes kannatlikud, vaid kel on ka söakust olla utopistid.
lk 233
Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that wean while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy.
lk 31
Viieteistkümnetunnine töönädal, universaalne põhisissetulek ja ilma piirideta maailm…Need kõik on pöörased unistused, aga kaua veel?
lk 218
Getting rich is about knowing what to do, who to do it with, and when to do it. It is much more about understanding than purely hard work.
lk 30
As discussed, there are two main ways that advertising works: persuasion (changing opinions) and salience (refreshing and building memories).
lk 150