If the marketing is done right, selling comes unnecessary.
Peter Ducker.
lk 202
If the marketing is done right, selling comes unnecessary.
Peter Ducker.
lk 202
kõik laulud
pole kevadest
ja mured
mustast mullast
kõik jutud
pole hõbedast
ja iga vaikus
lk 27
Stop asking “why” and start saying “wow”.
lk 148
Your success will have very little to do with what you do and everything to do with how you do it.
lk 202
kaalusin oma
mõtete raskust
mõnes mõttes
alla võtma
lk 26
Every desire is a chosen unhappiness.
lk 127
If my business could talk, what would it say?
lk 200
vahel ei ole
sul mitte kedagi
peale iseenda
vahel ei ole
rohkemat vajagi
lk 19
Charisma is the ability to project confidence and love at the same time. It’s almost always possible to be honest and positive.
lk 105
Optimizing for passion and product perfection instead of customer needs and demand is a classic business mistake.
lk 38
My great-uncle in China talks about the secret life force. I’ve got a gas. But how to you light it? What’s the match?
lk V
Another thing that helps: I value freedom above everything else.
lk 81
I think the best way to stay away from this constant love of money is not to upgrade your lifestyle as you make money.
lk 81
How big would my business be if I still had every customer who ever tried me?
lk 207
“Aga mis siis kui?” on kujutluse loomise küsimus, aga “kuidas?” on planeerimise küsimus.
lk 78