Am I currently executing an idea or plan? If it is an idea, what does the plan need to look like?
lk 228
Am I currently executing an idea or plan? If it is an idea, what does the plan need to look like?
lk 228
Raha ja edukale inimesele omased tunnused ei tähenda veel ilmtingimata, et sellel inimesel oleks maailmale midagi positiivset pakkuda.
lk 61
Impatience with actions, patience with results.
lk 182
mul aeg on minna
sa ära nuta
ma lähen sinna
kus aeg ei rutta
seal hingehaavad
valud vaevad
kuigi aeg siit viib mu näo
me vahel niit
mis eal ei kao
nii olen mõtteis
ja tulen tallates
mu salamärke
silmas pea
nii leiad elus
kõik mis hea
lk 70
The greater the predictibility and sustainability, the greater the enterprise value and, thus, the more attractive is to buyer.
lk 217
The greatest superpower is the ability to change yourself.
lk 178
Milline oleks teie raha, kui ta oleks inimene?
lk 48
mu kodu
on lihast ja luust
mitte kivist
ja puust
lk 206
What has to happen so the customer will say “I’d have to be crazy to do business with someone else!”?
lk 209
You’re going to die on day, and none of this is going to matter. So enjoy yourself. Do something positive. Project some love. Make someone happy. Laugh a little bit. Appreciate the moment. And do your work.
lk 155
Me kõik tahame, et meie raha naerataks. Kui see ei naerata, peate endalt küsima: Mis mu elus valesti on?
lk 48
Teinekord tulebki koos laguneda, et endale meelde tuletada, meelde tuletada, millest me tegelikult tehtud oleme.
lk 31
How would you run your business if 100% your future growth was by referrals and repeat business only?
lk 208
Is it so important to me I’ll be unhappy unless this goes my way?
lk 149
Kas te ise meeldite rahale?
lk 39