In other words, if you don’t like the Question (What do you do?), maybe it’s partly because you don’t like your answer.
lk 24
In other words, if you don’t like the Question (What do you do?), maybe it’s partly because you don’t like your answer.
lk 24
… and she’s found that true freedom comes from the confidence she can live within her means, whatever those means may be.
lk 18
She warned me that many people use the dream-job-or-nothing goal as a way ensuring their dreams are never challenged by reality— by hoping for too much, they can preserve their dream as a perfect fantasy.
lk 13
It’s about people who’ve dared to be honest with themselves.
(Answer to the question in the title about life or career.)
Americans might have bigger cars and larger grass lawns than the rest of the world, but we certainly aren’t happier, or more content. On that front we’re terrible role models. You’d never follow an American’s prescription for happiness. For the same reason you’d never buy a snow- blower that was made and tasted in Jamaica
The misconception that our life doesn’t begin until we find an answer, when in fact our failed attempts often establish why we will find our future “answer” so meaningful, i.e contrast to our past.
We would never be surprised when an employee quits and they should never be surprised when their employment is terminated.
lk 298
Pleasure is about stimulating the senses. Happiness is found by being grateful for what I’ve got. Success is getting what I want. Fulfillment is giving what I’ve got.
lk 290
There is a big difference between success and excellence. Success is getting there. Excellence is staying there.
lk 280
Õnn tuleb kogemustest. Õnn tuleb seisundist, mis kätkeb endas koos teistega olemist või selliste asjade tegemist, mis teie elu täiustavad. Õnn sünnib töötamisest ning, jah, raha teenimisest ja voolus olemisest.
lk 167