Öeldakse, et majanduses on alati kaks poolt—need, kellel jääb raha üle ja need, kellel jääb raha puudu.
lk 62
Öeldakse, et majanduses on alati kaks poolt—need, kellel jääb raha üle ja need, kellel jääb raha puudu.
lk 62
Sea paika selle tööteema spektri äärmused: kõige pastelsem ehk minimaalsem määr valdkonnaga tegelemiseks ja maksimaalsem võimalik viis selles vallas tegutsemiseks.
Püüa leida võimalikult palju vaheastmeid kahe äärmuse vahele.
Milline neist variantidest kõige meelepärasem/teostatavam tundub?
lk 79
Bad things happen dramatically (a pandemic). Good things happen gradually (malaria deaths dropping annually) and don’t feel like ‘news’. Endeavour to keep track of the good things to avoid an inaccurate and dismal view of the world.
Don’t punish people for trying. You teach them to not try with you. Punishing includes whining that it took them so long, that they did it badly, or that others have done it better.
If you haven’t figured things out sexually, remember that there isn’t a deadline. If somebody is making you feel like there is, consider the possibility that they aren’t your pal.
Procrastination comes naturally, so apply it to bad things. “I want to hurt myself right now. I’ll do it in an hour.” “I want a smoke now, so in half an hour I’ll go have a smoke.” Then repeat. Much like our good plans fall apart while we delay them, so can our bad plans.
If you listen to successful people talk about their methods, remember that all the people who used the same methods and failed did not make videos about it.
The #1 measure of an exercise program should be “is this fun enough to keep me coming back to the gym?” I don’t care how “efficient” HIIT is, it’s for masochists.
Your parents can handle hearing about your crazy life, dumb mistakes, and weird opinions. How will they learn to respect you as an adult if you don’t believe in your own story enough to share it?
You won’t get money, status, fun, impact, and career capital at the same job. Pick two, get the rest elsewhere in your life.
…[vee baasil] libesti on teie sõber. Ja seda võiks kasutada alati, mitte vaid siis, kui on kartus, et kuivusega võib probleeme tekkida
lk 166
Samuti ei ole keegi õistusatud seksi saama, sest muidu muutuvad munad siniseks või suhte mõte kaob
lk 148