Kui jätad asjad omapead, lähevad need paremaks.
lk 91
Miski ei mürgita meie elu rohkem kui me ise. Eriti piinarikkalt teeb seda endaga rahulolematuse tunne…
lk 64
Esiteks pead sa teadma, et kõik hea satub tingimata ohtu. Ma tõesti ei tea, miks see nii on.
lk 86–87
Kõigpealt õpi talvel toime tulema. Talvesid on mitut liiki. On majandustalv, mil finantshaid on su ukse taga; on enesetundetalv, mil tervis läheb käest ära; on isikliku elu talv, mil süda puruneb.
lk 83
Läänemaailma rusikareegel: kõige tungivamalt igatseme seda, mida meil kõige vähem vaja on.
lk 188
Mõnikord juhtuvad asjad, mille pärast on kaua võideldud ja vaeva nähtud. Sagedamini juhtub paratamatu.
lk 197
This is the conclusion I have come to: if we work at it, it is alaways possible to find a rational explanation for what we don’t understand. But perhaps it is wiser once in a while to accept that we don’t understand, and stop there. To explain is sometimes to diminish. And what does it matter if I believe one thing and you believe another? We share the same end.
lk 344
You don’t get to a place by contantly moving, even if your journey is only one sitting still and waiting. Every once in a while you have to stop in your tracks and admire the view, a small cloud and a tree outside your window. You have to see what you did not see before.
lk 206
Things don’t so much end as disappear. They don’t so much begin as they turn up.
lk 300
It is a hard thing, as I said, this learning to love. But it is an even harder thing, I think, to learn to be ordinary.
lk 209