When a man is successful, he is liked by both men and women. When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her less.
lk 40
When a man is successful, he is liked by both men and women. When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her less.
lk 40
You have to take oppurtunities and make an oppurtunity fit for you, rahter than the other way around.
lk 35
Traditionally, women expected inequality in marriage, looking for husbands who were older, taller, richer, and more intelligent than themselves. Not surprisingly, these same husbands continue to earn more and expect their careers to take precedence. We used to be taught to avoid even the appearance of equality lest it threaten the marriage and lead to competition and conflict. Today, women seek equality, but the male game of “Anything you can do, I can do better” makes for a dull world.
lk 109
And in situations where a man and a woman each receive negative feedback, the woman’s self-confidence and self-esteem drop to a much greater degree.
lk 30
American men a firmly encouraged to move away from closeness to their mothers, with really strong ties considered slightly pathological, not quite manly.
lk 104
Ask a man to explain his success and he will typically credit his own innate qualities and skills. Ask a woman the same question and she will attribute her success to external factors insisting she did well because she “worked really hard,” or “got lucky,” or “had help from others.” Men and women also differ then it comes to explaining failure. When a man fails, he points to factors like “didn’t study enough” or “not interested in the subject matter”. When a woman fails, she is more likely to believe it is due to an inherent lack of ability.
lk 30
Women have traditionally been regarded as conservative and inclined to stay at home. Going forth to seek adventure as been regarded as male speciality—running away to sea, joining the circus, seeking new worlds to conqure. But conquest is not the best route to learning.
lk 66
Meil kõigil tulevad oma piirid ette, mitte üksnes ande, vaid ka võimaluste poolest. Ent tihedamini, kui me seda arvamegi, on need piirid meie enda seatud. Me proovime, meid saadab ebaedu, ning me järeldame, et oleme oma võimaluste lae saavutanud. Või siis muudame kurssi pärast paari esimese sammu astumist. Mõlemal juhul ei läheme me oma teekonnal nii kaugele, kui võiksime.
lk 309
Ma usun, et meie liik ei püsi kaua. Me ei tundu olevat sellisest puust, mis on võimaldanud näiteks kilpkonnal eksisteerida enam-vähem muutumatuna sadu miljoneid aastaid ehk sadu kordi kauem, kui me üldse olemas oleme olnud. Kuulume lühiealisesse liigirühma. Kõik meie sugulased on juba välja surnud. Enamgi veel, me teeme kahju. Meie enda valla päästetud rängad kliima—ja keskkonnamuudatused jätavad meile vähe võimalusi. Planeedi Maa jaoks võivad need osutuda väikeseks, tähtususetuks välgatuseks, kuid ma ei usu, et elaksime need terve nahaga üle, eriti kuna avalik ja poliitiline arvamus eelistab jaanalinnu kombel pea liiva alla peita ja eirata neid ohte, kuhu praegu tormame.
lk 107–108
…, et kui loom, olgu ta rott või inimene, pole otseselt kogenud jõupingutuse ja sellele järgneva tasu seost, on ta vaikimisi seadistatud laiskusele.
lk 271
Mineviku ja tuleviku vahel on tuvastatav vahe üksnes juhul, kui toimub soojuse ülekandmine.
lk 87
Revolutsionäärid peavad olema kiired, oli Lenin ühtejärge korrutanud.
lk 11
Walter Elliot on öelnud:”Püsivus ei ole pikamaajooks. See on palju üksteisele järgnevaid sprinte.”
lk 175
Mis on see üks asi, mida saan teha, et selle tagajärjel muutuks kõik ülejäänu lihtsamaks või tarbetuks?
lk 112
Building and sustaining the settings in which individuals can grow and unfold, not “kept in their place” but empowered to become all they can be, is not only the task of parents and teachers, but the basis of managament and political leadership—and simple friendship.
lk 56