Learn for yourself. Nobody cares as much about your money as you do. You have to take responsibility for your own future. As I said earlier, the great thing is, it’s not hard.
lk 29
Learn for yourself. Nobody cares as much about your money as you do. You have to take responsibility for your own future. As I said earlier, the great thing is, it’s not hard.
lk 29
There is no way to achieve some goals without sacrificing your current standard of living… But the ten percent saving is different. It’s regular. It’s constant. You don’t even see it.
lk 40
Julgus olla haavatav ei ole seotud kaotamise või võitmisega, see tähendab julgust olla kohal, kui sa ei saa tulemust ennustada või kontrollida.
lk 15
Our financial industry is geared toward product sales, not toward dispensing well-rounded financial planning advice.
lk 28
Good financial planning is nothing more than common sense. The old KISS philosophy at its best. Keep It Simple ….
lk 28
Märgi üles kõik, mida sa tavaliselt teed, ilma ilustamise või hinnanguta. Sinu egol võib olla kiusatus numbreid moondada või oma käitumist kohandada, et ennast paberil paremini näidata.
lk 100
Everybody’s terrible at that [budgeting]. Very few people have become financially successful through budgeting, and the ones who aren’t much fun at parties.
lk 27
Financial planning is really nothing more than the proper handling of cash flow and assets to meet your objectives.
lk 27
We couldn’t teach you what we didn’t know, and your grandparents couldn’t teach us what they didn’t know. I don’t think it’s our fault as family. I suspect most people have the same problem, and I blame it partly on our educational system.
lk 14
We have also bought a complete set of encyclopedia. You never know when a child may feel need to refer to an authority greater than his parent.
lk 2