Technological rivalry is a geopolitical reality.
lk 119
Technology is pushed on by all too rudimental and fundamentally human drivers. From curiosity to crises, fortune to fear, at its heart technology emerges to fill human needs. If people have powerful reasons to build and use it, it will get built and used.
lk 119
There is no obvious reason why a single operator, with enough wherewithal, could not control a swarm of thousand of drones.
lk 106
Seda, milline inimene sa oled ja mis sind kõnetab, õpidki alles päriselt tegutsedes ja mõnikord võtab selle õige asja leidmine lihtsalt aega
lk 63
… scientists have been working on a method known as inertial confinement, which involves compressing pellets of hydrogen-rich material with lasers and heating them to 100 million degrees to create a fleeting fusion reaction.
lk 100
Ühiskond on paljudele meist tekitanud hirmu jätta asjad pooleli, ebaõnnestuda või oma eesmärke muuta.
lk 61
Renewable energy will become the largest single source of electricity generation by 2027.
lk 100
Energy—expensive and dirty as it often is—is at present a limiter technolgogy’s rate of process. Not for too much longer.
lk 100
Tuleb aru saada, et kaugele mõtlemise oskus ei ole midagi, mis inimestel automaatselt olemas on.
lk 59
As with AI. Robotics proved much more difficult in practice than early engineers assumed. The real world is strange, uneven, unexpected, and unstructured environment, exquisitely sensitive to things like pressure: picking up an egg, an apple, a brick, a child, and a bowl of soup all require extraordinary dexterity, sensitivity, strength, and balance. An environment like a kitchen or workshop is messy, filled with dangerous items, oil slick, and multiple different tools and materials. It’s a robot’s nightmare
lk 94
Kohe kui midagi kirja paned, siis avad ennast tundele ja ohule, et asi ebaõnnestub.
lk 56
Päeva planeerimise absoluutne number üks küsimus on aga see, kas ja mida saad oma päevast ära anda selleks, et sul tekiks aega oma soovide ja sihtidega tegelemiseks.
lk 45