What people actually do with your invention, however well intentioned, can never be guaranteed
lk 35
What people actually do with your invention, however well intentioned, can never be guaranteed
lk 35
Bigger and more connected populations are more potent crucibles for tinkering, experimentation, and serendipitous discovery, a more powerful “collective brain” for making new things.
lk 27
The irony of general-purpose technologies is that, before long, they become invisible and we take them for granted. Language, agriculture, writing—each was general purpose technology at the center of an early wave. These three waves formed the foundation of civilization as we know it. Now we take them for granted
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We are not just the creators of our tools. We are, down to the biological, the anatomical level, a product of them.
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Put simply, a wave is a set of technologies coming together around the same time, powered by one or several new general-purpose technology with profound societal implications.
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Technology has a clear, inventable trajectory: mass diffusion in great rolling waves.
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… a single person today likely “has the capacity to kill billion people.” All it takes is motivation.
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This is the core dilemma: that, sooner or later, a powerful generation of technology leads humanity toward either catastrophic or dystopian outcomes. I believe this is the great met-problem of the twenty.first century.
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