I’m strong enough to deal with the consequences of action I take.
lk 246
Hear yourself. Know yourself. Understand yourself. And you’ll start to feel ready for action.
lk 237
Pick one assignment, give yourself a time limit, do the best you can IN THAT TIME, and declare it “good enough”.
lk 203
Do the best with what you’ve got and give yourself permission NOT to do the most perfect, most accomplished, most amazing job of all time
lk 203
If you find yourself thinking excessively about what others want or constantly telling yourself you “should” do things, that’s a warning bell.
lk 202
The headline is: we basically lie to ourselves—a lot. Being a catastrophic, mind reading or set in stone thinker means you are telling yourself wilder tall tales than any fib you’d ever try on a parent or friend.
lk 105
But failure really does have an upside. It’s not so much the failing, actually, but the recovery and learning that ca be really valuable.
lk 54
… when you take action, especially when you do something even slightly risky, you not only use confidence, but you also end up creating more!
lk 23